When I was pregnant with Anna I took a photo of my ever-growing belly every Saturday morning. Or rather LK did, with varying degrees of reluctance.
I started at 4 months because there were no real changes before then. Here's the final progression with the last shot at 40 weeks. Despite the gargantuan size of the final belly I think I'm honestly more terrified at the array of casual clothing detailed in the shots. Must strive for more tasteful apparel this pregnancy. In my defence the heinous red pyjama bottoms in photo #2 were my attempt to celebrate Christmas. I will burn them I promise.....

I'm in two minds about whether to do it again this time (the photos, not the pregnancy). At 12 weeks plus I'm already approaching the 17 week mark from last time. One month ahead of the game - clearly my stomach muscles are not as excited about this pregnancy as I am. On the other hand, I don't want to deprive creature #2 of it's own moment in the sun (literally in the sun as the florid sunburn in the second to last photo shows).
What do you think? Should I restart at week 16 for continuity's sake? Should I, for the love of God cover the damn thing up as you're trying to start the day and are now feeling nauseous?
Definitely restart!
This was one thing that I didn't do when I was pregant and I'm kicking myself for. I have one set of pictures while pregnant and that's at the 26 week mark. When the next baby comes, I will be doing the belly pics for sure!
omg... do pregnant bellies really get this big this fast? I think I'm gonna adopt ;)
no offense, please, I just don't really know that many pregnant people and my friend L. is only at about 6 months now and I haven't seen her for a month.
btw. I think you should do the belly shots again, creature number 2 will be happy about it later in life, I'm sure.
I think this is a really cool idea, I say go for it.
Do it! Don't deprive Thing #2! (Says the woman who has misplaced the ultrasound pics of her child #2!)
yes! you have to do this again! i didn't get many pictures prego with tucker and i could shoot myself for that! how cool is it that you have these!??!
You should do it again - so that Kid #2 can't already start complaining about how there are TONS of photos of his/her sister and yet NONE of him/her!
I need to do that too. I'm 26 weeks now and mostly try to hide from the camera.
Try and do it if you can. Although every week is a little excessive.
Maybe have your little girl stand beside you and show her belly (bathroom counter works well) at the same time for comparison?
Agree that you should go for it. it will also be interesting to see if the two shapes are similar or nothing alike. Then everyone can speculate as to what you're having.
DO IT! You'll be glad you did. Baby #2 will be glad you did.
Wow, I am impressed with the amount of pregnancy pics you took!
Cute blog name!
I just like the style you took with this topic. It’s not typical that you just discover a subject so concise and informative.
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