They belonged to our friends Sophie and Kate. Lucy has inherited them. I like to think it’s because, as in the movie, they had moved on from such childish things, and Lucy was the glad recipient. Although I have a feeling Lucy may have strong-armed them away. They are completely and unconditionally loved. They go everywhere with her. Anna was never so attached to toys, so this is new territory for me. “Bobot?” Lucy will cry in the middle of the night “Bobot, are you?” if he’s not within arms reach.
It will break my heart when she finally moves on from these two. I can’t imagine I will find a home for two such scruffy characters, they are literally being loved to death and have already been the recipients of emergency surgery. If you look closely, Bobot still needs a little patching, but having watched Toy Story (a mere three million times), what can I do? What do you do with Buzz and Woody when they're surplus to requirements? You can't garage sale them, you can't donate them to a kids school in case they end up in the dreaded toddler room, you can't keep them in the attic til your kids have kids of their own. That movie has made it clear that you have to find another good home. I may consider a third child just to carry on the franchise.
Toy Story has a lot to answer for.
My sentiments exactly. They had been in our family for 10 years, its amazing how many yard sales they skirted around! The Toy story trilogy is a powerful force. I'm so happy that those two landed in the perfect hands of little miss Lu.
Glad to see she is still wearing the ladybird xx
You know what? I still have my CareBear and, when a particularly bad bout of insomnia hits, sleep with him. So you never know, she may hang onto them.
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